Classes implementing this interface are used to configure content type definitions on startup. Analyzer passes that should run must be added to the {P:Redakt.ContentManagement.Configuration.Analyzer.ContentTypeAnalyzerOptions.AnalyzerPasses} list by configuring the ContentTypeAnalyzerOptions on service registration. The class must not be registered with the DI container itself. The pass should be deterministic, i.e. running the pass twice with the same input must not modify the collection.

public interface IContentTypeAnalyzerPass


RunPassAsync(IList<ContentTypeDefinition>, IServiceProvider) Called automatically by the IContentTypeAnalyzer on startup, if the pass has been added to the {P:Redakt.ContentManagement.Configuration.Analyzer.ContentTypeAnalyzerOptions.AnalyzerPasses} list.

Implemented by

DataTypeAnalyzerPass This pass sets the correct property readers and writers based on the data type.
InitialAnalyzerPass Intantiates and initializes all content type definitions from model classes derived from IContentType.
PostConfigureAnalyzerPass This pass is always run as the last analyzer pass to ensure a valid state of content types.