This type contains the following members.

public static class NodeViewModelExtensions

Extension Methods

AncestorsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>)
AncestorsAsync(INodeViewModel, Func<dynamic, bool>)
ChildrenAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>) Get the child node view models of the specified model type for the current node view model.
DescendantsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>) Retrieves all descendant of a given view model type with an optional filter.
FirstChildAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>)
FirstDescendantAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>) Retrieves the breadth-first descendant of a given view model type with an optional filter.
ModelAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Link) Gets the node view model for the specified link. Only internal links that point to a valid published node of the specified model type will be returned.
ModelAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IPublishedContent) Gets the node view model for the specified published content object. Returns null if the content cannot be case to TModel.
ModelAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, string) Gets the node view model for the specified node id and the current culture. Returns null if the content cannot be found or cast to TModel.
ModelsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IEnumerable<Link>, Func<TModel, bool>) Gets node view models for the specified collection of links. Only internal links that point to a valid published node of the specified model type will be returned.
ModelsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>, Func<TModel, bool>) Gets node view models for the specified collection of published content objects.
ModelsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IEnumerable<string>, Func<TModel, bool>) Gets node view models for the specified collection of node ids and the current culture.
RootAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel) Returns the view model for the root node of the current node.
RootAsync(INodeViewModel) Returns the dynamic view model for the root node of the current node.
SiblingsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, bool)
UrlAsync(INodeViewModel, UrlType, Dictionary<string, string>) Gets the node's published url.