Contains Redakt Razor tag helper classes.


AnchorTagHelper Updates an anchor element with properties from a link object.
BackgroundImageTagHelper Renders a background image css style on the element.
CanonicalTagHelper Creates a canonical tag for the current page. Also available as an attribute on the HeadTagHelper.
HeadTagHelper Adds Redakt features to the head element.
ImageTagHelper Renders the image source url for image content.
MinifyTagHelper Minifies the HTML content of the element.
OpenGraphTagHelper Creates OpenGraph meta elements for the current page.
PageCacheTagHelper Indicates that the content of this element should be cached by page. Attributes of this element are not cached and may be changed by other tag helpers.
PageLinkTagHelper Updates an anchor element with properties from a link object.
ContentTagHelper Tag helper for rendering content values for several html elements.
CultureTagHelper Tag helper for setting the culture to be used by other tag helpers, such as the dictionary tag helper and anchor tag helper.
DefaultContentTagHelper Tag helper for rendering default content if the elements' current content is empty.
EmptyContentTagHelper Tag helper for rendering content values for several html elements.
DictionaryTagHelper Renders a dictionary value for the specified dictionary key.

