This type contains the following members.

public interface INodeViewModel


Id Gets the id of the node.
ParentId Gets the parent id of the node.
AncestorIds Gets the ancestor ids of the node.
Name Gets the name of the node.
ContentTypeKey Gets the content type key of the node.
Collection Gets the collection (site or asset library) that this node belongs to.

Extension Methods

AncestorsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>)
AncestorsAsync(INodeViewModel, Func<dynamic, bool>)
ChildrenAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>) Get the child node view models of the specified model type for the current node view model.
DescendantsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>) Retrieves all descendant of a given view model type with an optional filter.
FirstChildAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>)
FirstDescendantAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Func<TModel, bool>) Retrieves the breadth-first descendant of a given view model type with an optional filter.
ModelAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, Link) Gets the node view model for the specified link. Only internal links that point to a valid published node of the specified model type will be returned.
ModelAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IPublishedContent) Gets the node view model for the specified published content object. Returns null if the content cannot be case to TModel.
ModelAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, string) Gets the node view model for the specified node id and the current culture. Returns null if the content cannot be found or cast to TModel.
ModelsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IEnumerable<Link>, Func<TModel, bool>) Gets node view models for the specified collection of links. Only internal links that point to a valid published node of the specified model type will be returned.
ModelsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>, Func<TModel, bool>) Gets node view models for the specified collection of published content objects.
ModelsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, IEnumerable<string>, Func<TModel, bool>) Gets node view models for the specified collection of node ids and the current culture.
RootAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel) Returns the view model for the root node of the current node.
RootAsync(INodeViewModel) Returns the dynamic view model for the root node of the current node.
SiblingsAsync<TModel>(INodeViewModel, bool)
UrlAsync(INodeViewModel, UrlType, Dictionary<string, string>) Gets the node's published url.

Implemented by

INodeViewModel<TModel> This is the generic version of INodeViewModel, adding the content model to the interface.